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Entrepreneurship Congress-2024

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ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONGRESS-2024: Igniting Change in the City of Lights

Paris, France | November 13-14, 2024

The Global Stage for Sustainable Solutions

The 5th Global Entrepreneurship Congress convenes in Paris, France, this November, bringing together a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, investors, and changemakers. This year's theme, "Igniting Change: Entrepreneurial Solutions for a Sustainable Future," promises to spark innovation and collaboration as we collectively address the pressing challenges facing our planet.

Why Attend?

  • Connect with a Global Network: Network with leading entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts from around the world.
  • Discover Cutting-Edge Solutions: Be at the forefront of sustainable business solutions as we explore innovation across diverse sectors.
  • Shape the Future: Engage in thought-provoking discussions and workshops to drive positive change and build a more sustainable future.
  • Embrace the City of Lights: Experience the inspiration and energy of Paris while fostering international connections.

What to Expect:

  • Inspiring Keynotes: Hear from visionary leaders who are redefining the landscape of sustainable business.
  • Interactive Workshops: Deepen your knowledge and gain practical skills through engaging workshops led by industry experts.
  • Pitch Competitions: Witness the next generation of entrepreneurs showcase their groundbreaking ideas for a sustainable future.
  • Networking Events: Build valuable connections and foster collaboration with fellow attendees and industry leaders.

Join the Movement.

The 5th Global Entrepreneurship Congress is your opportunity to be a part of the solution. Register today and ignite change alongside a passionate community dedicated to building a brighter future.

Session & Tracks

  1. From Lab to Launch: Scholarly Entrepreneurship: This session dives into the exciting world of transforming groundbreaking research from the sterile confines of the lab into real-world solutions that can impact the market. It's specifically geared towards researchers, academics, and scientists who have incredible ideas but may lack the knowledge or resources to navigate the path from discovery to commercialization.
  2. Building the Future: Start-up Entrepreneurship: This session is your launchpad to the exciting world of starting your own business! Whether you're brimming with a groundbreaking idea or just curious about the entrepreneurial journey, this session will equip you with the knowledge and inspiration to turn your vision into reality.
  3. The Power of Initiative: Enterprising Behaviors: Do you have a spark of entrepreneurial spirit, but don't quite know how to ignite it? This session is designed to unlock the power of initiative within you! We'll delve into the characteristics and skills that drive individuals to take charge, identify opportunities, and turn them into success stories.
  4. Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Ladies Entrepreneurship: This session celebrates the achievements of female entrepreneurs while tackling the challenges they still face. Join us for an inspiring and empowering discussion designed to propel women to the forefront of the business world.
  5. Scaling the Summit: Business, Growth, and Competitiveness: This session dives deep into the critical aspects of building a thriving and competitive business in today's dynamic marketplace. Learn how to identify and navigate competitive landscapes, developing strategies to differentiate your business and stay ahead of the curve. This session is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to take your business to the next level.
  6. Beyond the Algorithm: Creative Industries: In a world increasingly dominated by digital algorithms, this session celebrates the enduring power of human creativity in the business landscape. Beyond the Algorithm: Creative Industries explores the unique challenges and opportunities faced by entrepreneurs in creative fields like art, design, fashion, film, music, and more.
  7. Securing Your Future: Enterprising Accounting and Investment: This session equips you with the financial knowledge and tools to navigate the exciting – and sometimes complex – world of business finance, specifically geared towards entrepreneurs. Whether you're just starting out or looking to solidify your existing venture, this session will empower you to make informed financial decisions and secure a prosperous future for your business.
  8. Birth of an Enterprise: Investigations of New Organizations: This session delves into the fascinating world of new venture creation, taking you on a step-by-step journey from the spark of an idea to the birth of a thriving enterprise. This session is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs and anyone curious about the intricacies of launching a new business.
  9. Bridging the Gap: Entrepreneurship and Gender: Despite the growing presence of women in the business world, a significant gender gap persists in entrepreneurship. This session delves into the unique challenges and opportunities faced by female entrepreneurs, exploring strategies to bridge the gap and empower women to thrive in the entrepreneurial landscape.
  10. Cultivating the Next Generation: Pioneering Learning and Networks of Training: This session focuses on fostering a future generation of innovative and impactful entrepreneurs. We'll explore groundbreaking approaches to developing essential entrepreneurial skills and cultivating supportive networks that empower young minds to turn their ideas into reality.
  11. Beyond the Startup: Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship: This session breaks the mold, venturing beyond the realm of scrappy startups and into the world of Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship. Here, we'll explore how established companies can foster innovation and intrapreneurship, driving growth and staying ahead of the curve in a dynamic business landscape.
  12. Cradle of Innovation: The Role of Universities in Fostering Entrepreneurship: Universities are not just institutions of learning; they are fertile ground for cultivating the next generation of entrepreneurs. This session explores the critical role universities play in fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem, equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and resources to translate groundbreaking ideas into successful ventures.
  13. Numbers Don't Lie: Financial Management of an Entrepreneur: In the thrilling world of entrepreneurship, passion and creativity are essential. But without a solid grasp of your finances, even the most brilliant idea can quickly fizzle out. This session equips you with the financial knowledge and tools to navigate the numbers game and ensure your entrepreneurial journey is a success.
  14. The Sustainable Edge: Eco-preneurship: In today's world, building a successful business goes beyond just the bottom line. This session delves into the exciting realm of eco-preneurship, exploring how innovative business models can address environmental challenges and promote sustainability while achieving financial success.
  15. Social Impact through Business: Social Entrepreneurship: This session dives into the world of social entrepreneurship, where passion for social good meets business acumen. We'll explore how to leverage the power of business to tackle critical social and environmental issues and create positive change in the world.
  16. The Power of Influence: Building a Personal Brand as an Entrepreneur: In today's digital age, your online presence is your storefront. This session delves into the art of personal branding, specifically geared towards entrepreneurs. Learn how to leverage your unique story and expertise to establish yourself as a thought leader, attract your target audience, and propel your business forward.
  17. Thriving in the Digital Age: E-commerce and Online Entrepreneurship: The e-commerce landscape is booming, offering exciting opportunities for anyone with a passion for products and a knack for online savvy. This session equips you with the knowledge and strategies to thrive in the digital age and build a successful online business.
  18. Family Business: Legacy and Succession Planning: Family businesses are a cornerstone of the global economy, rich in tradition and driven by a unique blend of passion and responsibility. But ensuring a smooth transition from one generation to the next requires careful planning and open communication. This session equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of family business legacy and succession planning.
  19. Navigating the Global Landscape: International Entrepreneurship: The world is your marketplace! This session equips you with the knowledge and strategies to take your entrepreneurial venture beyond borders and thrive in the exciting realm of international business.

The Future of Work: The Gig Economy and Freelance Entrepreneurship: The traditional nine-to-five grind is evolving rapidly. This session delves into the growing gig economy and the rise of freelance entrepreneurship, exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with this new way of working.

Market Analysis

Target Audience:

  • Aspiring and established entrepreneurs
  • Business leaders and innovators
  • Investors and venture capitalists
  • Students and educators with entrepreneurial interests
  • Professionals interested in career development in the entrepreneurial ecosystem

Industry Trends:

  • Growing global interest in entrepreneurship as a driver of economic growth and innovation.
  • Increasing emphasis on social entrepreneurship and businesses that address environmental challenges.
  • Rise of the gig economy and freelance entrepreneurship.
  • Growing importance of e-commerce and digital marketing for entrepreneurs.
  • Increasing focus on building a strong personal brand and online presence.
  • Growing adoption of technology to streamline business processes and enhance efficiency.

Market Size and Growth:

  • The global entrepreneurship education and support market is flourishing, driven by the increasing number of individuals pursuing entrepreneurial ventures. Industry estimates suggest the market size surpassed $30 billion in 2018 and is projected to maintain a steady growth trajectory.


  • The market for entrepreneurship education and resources is becoming increasingly crowded, with new conferences, workshops, and online platforms emerging all the time.
  • To stand out, Entrepreneurship Congress-2024 should focus on offering high-quality content, a diverse range of speakers and topics, and a strong focus on practical takeaways and actionable strategies for attendees.

Entrepreneurship Congress-2024 Competitive Advantage:

  • Established reputation as a leading entrepreneurship conference
  • Focus on a broad range of entrepreneurial topics, catering to diverse interests and business stages
  • World-class speakers and thought leaders in the field of entrepreneurship
  • Interactive workshops and networking opportunities
  • Focus on practical skills development and actionable strategies
  • Potential for international reach and attracting a global audience (if applicable)


  • Partner with universities, incubators, and other entrepreneurial organizations to expand reach and attract new attendees.
  • Offer online access to conference sessions to cater to a wider audience and generate additional revenue streams.
  • Develop pre-conference workshops or online courses to provide deeper dives into specific topics.
  • Create a vibrant online community for entrepreneurs to connect, share ideas, and build lasting relationships.


  • Economic downturns can dampen entrepreneurial spirit and reduce attendance at conferences.
  • Competition from other entrepreneurship events and online resources.
  • Difficulty attracting high-profile speakers and maintaining a fresh and relevant program each year.

By understanding the market trends, target audience, and competitive landscape, Entrepreneurship Congress-2024 can position itself as a premier event for entrepreneurs, fostering innovation, and propelling business growth.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 13-14, 2024

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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